Positions: assistant researcher
Academic title: assistant researcher
Phone: ---
Email: changqingluo@nao.cas.cn
Education and career history:
2013-present: assistant researcher, National Astronomical Observatories, CAS
2009-2012: PhD, Yunnan Observatories, CAS
Research fields:
Close binaries: structure, evolution and activities;
RR Lyare: structure, evolution and activities;
Asteroseismology of eclipsing binaries.
Selected publication:
1. Luo, C. Q, Liu, C., Zhang, X. F; et al., Frequent Flare Events on the Short-period M-type Eclipsing Binary BX Tri, 2019, ApJ, 871, 203
2. Luo, C. Q, Zhang, X. B; Deng, L. C, et al. Photometric investigation of two contact binaries in the young open cluster NGC 957, New Astronomy, 2017, 52, 29
3. Luo, C. Q, Zhang, X. B; Deng, L. C, et al., Photometric Study and Period Analysis of the Contact Binary XZ Leonis, AJ, 2015, 150, 70
4. Luo, C. Q, Huang, R. Q. Contact binaries: I. An inspection of the HSB contact binary model by comparison of relationships obtained from theoretical light curves with that from astronomical observations, Sci China Phys Mech Astron, 2011, 55,553
5. Luo, C. Q, Luo, Y. P, C. et al., Secular period decreasing of detached chromospherically active binaries, Ap&SS, 2010, 327, 9
6. Wang, K, Luo , C. Q, Zhang, X. B, V1224 Cas: An EL CVn-type Eclipsing Binary Consisting of a Helium White Dwarf Precursor and a Delta Scuti Pulsator, AJ. 2018, 156,187
7. Zhang, X. B, Fu, J. N, Luo , C. Q., Seismic Study of the γ Doradus-type Pulsations in the Eclipsing Binary KIC 10486425, ApJ, 2018, 865,115