
PSR J1913+1102

 PSR J1913+1102 is a double neutron star system (DNS) found in the Arecibo ALFA pulsar survey (Lazarus et al. 2016). The Arecibo timing measurements show this is the first merging DNS with a strong mass asymmetry; this demonstrates that there is an important population of such merging systems. Like PSR J2222-0137, this system has been used to constrain DGW emission, and it is also useful for constraining spontaneous scalarization (Zhao et al. 2022). This happens not only because of the NS mass asymmetry, but also because the rather unusual pulsar mass, which lies in a range of NS masses for which the radiative properties of gravity had not been probed before.
We have done 8 observations by FAST: (Lingqi Meng processes data)

2021-11-17  60 mins

2021-12-20  60 mins

2022-01-20  60 mins

2022-02-18  60 mins

2022-03-18  60 mins

We use DDGR model to fit and results are,

The ephemeris is from Ferdman, 2020. 

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