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2020-2023:安徽师范大学 博士
2017-2020:安徽师范大学 硕士
1. Zhang, W. J., Shu, X. W., Sheng, Z. F., et al. Discovery of late-time X-ray flare and anomalous emission line enhancement after the nuclear optical outburst in a narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxy. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2022, 660: A119-A134.
2. Zhang, W. J., Shu, X. W., Chen, J. H., et al. A possible 250s X-ray quasi-periodicity in the fast blue optical transient AT2018cow. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2022, 22(12): 125016-125027.
3. Shu, X. W., Zhang, W. J., Li, S., et al. X-ray flares from the stellar tidal disruption by a candidate supermassive black hole binary. Nature Communications, 2020, 11: 5876-5884.