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Dr Weimin Yuan is lead of the High-Energy Astrophysics Group at NAOC. He received his PhD in physics at Technischen Universitaet Munich and Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Germany. He had worked as postdoctoral fellow at Tsukuba Space Center, JAXA, Japan, for the MAXI mission, and then as a research associate at Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, UK. Since 2004 he had been a research scientist at CAS's Yunnan Astronomical Observatory, and at NAOC headquarter since 2010. He is also an adjunct professor of astrophysics at the University of Chinese Academy of Science.
high-energy astrophysics, X-ray astronomy; observational study of black holes and active galactic nuclei; high-energy transients and time-domain astrophysics
1. Multiwavelength Study of an X-Ray Tidal Disruption Event Candidate in NGC 5092, Li, Dongyue; Saxton, R. D.; Yuan, Weimin, et al. 2020, ApJ, 891, 121
2. Fast inflows as the adjacent fuel of supermassive black hole accretion disks in quasars, Zhou, Hongyan; Shi, Xiheng; Yuan, Weimin; et al., 2019, Nature 573, 83
3. Einstein Probe: a lobster-eye telescope for monitoring the X-ray sky, Yuan Weimin, et al., 2018 SPIE 10699, 25
4. A Uniformly Selected Sample of Low-mass Black Holes in Seyfert 1 Galaxies. II. The SDSS DR7 Sample, Liu He-Yang, Yuan Weimin, Dong X.-B. et al. 2018 ApJS 235, 40
5. Einstein Probe: Exploring the ever-changing X-ray Universe, Yuan Weimin, et al., 2018, SCIENTIA SINICA Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica 48, 039502
6. Detection of a Possible X-Ray Quasi-periodic Oscillation in the Active Galactic Nucleus 1H 0707-495, Pan Hai-Wu, Yuan Weimin, Yao Su, et al. 2016, ApJL 819, 19
7. Perspectives on Gamma-Ray Burst Physics and Cosmology with Next Generation Facilities, Yuan Weimin, Amati Lorenzo, Cannizzo J.K, et al., 2016 Space Science Review 202, 235
8. Chandra and MMT Observations of Low-mass Black Hole Active Galactic Nuclei Accreting at Low Rates in Dwarf Galaxies, Yuan Weimin, et al., 2014 ApJ 782, 55