

Positions: Research Assistant 
Academic Title: Dr. 
E-mail: hsun@nao.cas.cn 
Website(s): https://huisungh.github.io/ 
Mailing Address:
National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
A20 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China,100101 
Education and Career History

Hui SUN is a research assistant at the National Astronomical Observatories (NAO), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Before that, she stayed at NAOC as a post-doc during the years of 2017-2021. She received her Ph.D. degree from Peking University in 2017, under the supervisions of Professor Bing Zhang and Zhuo Li. She stayed as an exchange student at University of Nevada, Las Vegas during 2014-2015 and late 2016.

Research Fields

Her research focuses on the extragalactic high energy transients including gamma-ray burst, binary neutron star merger magnetar powered X-ray emissions, SN shock breakouts and tidal disruption events, etc. She is also a team member of Einstein Probe, which is an X-ray mission of CAS dedicated to time-domain high-energy astrophysics and plan to launch by late 2023.

Selected Publication

1. Luminosity Function and Event Rate Density of XMM-Newton-selected Supernova Shock Breakout Candidates. Sun, Hui; Liu, He-Yang; Pan, Hai-Wu et al. 2022, ApJ.

2. A Unified Binary Neutron Star Merger Magnetar Model for the Chandra X-Ray Transients CDF-S XT1 and XT2. Sun, Hui; Li, Ye; Zhang, Bin-Bin et al. 2019, ApJ.

3. X-Ray Counterpart of Gravitational Waves Due to Binary Neutron Star Mergers: Light Curves, Luminosity Function, and Event Rate Density. Sun, Hui; Zhang, Bing; Gao, He, 2017, ApJ.

4. Extragalactic High-energy Transients: Event Rate Densities and Luminosity Functions. Sun, Hui; Zhang, Bing; Li, Zhuo, 2015, ApJ.

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