

Positions: Research Associate 
Academic Title: Dr. 
E-mail: wensx@bao.ac.cn
Mailing Address:
National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
A20 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China,100101 
Education and Career History

2023-current, research associate, NAOC, China.

2021-2023, Postdoc, Radboud University, The Netherlands.

2019-2021, Postdoc, the university of Arizona, USA.

2015-2018, PhD, Sun Yat-Sen University, China.

2017-2018, visiting scholar, the university of Arizona, USA.

2009-2011, MS, Sun Yat-Sen University, China.

2004-2008, BS, Yunnan University, China.

Research Fields

Tidal disruption events

Accretion disk

Numerical cosmology

Slim disk code


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Selected Publication

1. Wen, S., Jonker, P., Stone, N., van Velzen, S., & Zabludoff, A. 2023, Optical/UV emission in the Tidal Disruption Event ASASSN-14li: implications of disc modelling, MNRAS, 522, 1155.

2. Wen, S., Jonker, P., Stone, N., Zabludoff, A., & Cao, Z. 2022, A Library of Synthetic X-Ray Spectra for Fitting Tidal Disruption Events, ApJ, 933, 31.

3. Wen, S., Jonker, P., Stone, N., & Zabludoff, A. 2021, Mass, Spin, and Ultralight Boson Constraints from the Intermediate-mass Black Hole in the Tidal Disruption Event 3XMM J215022.4-055108, ApJ, 918, 46.

4. Wen, S., Jonker, P., Stone, N., Zabludoff, A., & Psaltis, D. 2020, Continuum-Fitting the X-ray Spectra of Tidal Disruption Events, ApJ, 897, 80.

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