Chief Scientist

Weiwei Zhu


Weiwei ZhuSenior Professor, the director and head of Pulsar and Gravitational Physics Group of NAOCZhu has participated in the North American Nanohertz Observatory for) Gravitational Waves (NANOGravand the European Pulsar Timing Array (EPTA), and has ever tested the basic physical principles such as gravitational constant stability and gravitational symmetry in high precision using pulsar timing. As a member of the PALFA Survey of the American Arecibo telescope, he developed the world's first pulsar sifting method based on deep-learning AI. At present, he works at NAOC on pulsar and FRBs observations with FAST as well as developing pulsars and FRB searching software based on GPU and deep-learning AI.

Research Areas:

1) Testing gravitational theories such as General Relativity; 

2) FAST pulsar survey, AI application in radio astronomy;

3) Multi-band observations to FRBs.

Demands for Students: No more than two postgraduates majoring in radio astrophysics and astronomical technology.

E-mail: zhuww(a)nao.cas.cn13263272302