

吴宏  研究员、杰青
学科: 观测天体物理,时域天文学,星系物理(亮红外星系,低面亮度星系),红外类星体,天文技术与方法
邮箱: hwu(at)bao.ac.cn
吴宏,男,1968年出生,北京市人,中国科学院国家天文台研究员,兴隆观测基地主任,红外天体物理团组首席科学家,中国科学院大学特聘教授,中国天文学会理事. 2002年4月至今担任国家天文台研究员。1996年获得北京天文台博士学位。2012年获得国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目资助。主要从事近邻星系的光学红外性质、红外类星体等多方面的研究。研究成果发表于国际知名期刊,包括ApJ、AJ、A&AS、MNRAS、RAA等,总计140余篇,总引用4500余次。先后承担过国家自然科学基金项目重点项目、重大项目子课题、面上项目、青年项目、天文联合基金项目,曾参与国家重点研发计划、国家973项目、先导B项目、国家攀登计划项目等多项。

1. Lei, Feng-Jie; Wu, Hong; Zhu, Yi-Nan; Du, Wei; He, Min; Jin, Jun-Jie; Zhao, Pin-Song; Zhang, Bing-Qing,An Hα Imaging Survey of the Low Surface Brightness Galaxies Selected from the Spring Sky Region of the 40% ALFALFA H I Survey, ApJS.,2019, 242

2. Yang, Ming; Wu, Hong; Yang, Fan; Lam, Man I.; Cao, Tian-Wen; et al., The LAMOST Complete Spectroscopic Survey of Pointing Area (LaCoSSPAr) in the Southern Galactic Cap. I. The Spectroscopic Redshift Catalog, ApJS., 2018, 234, 5

3. Du, Wei; Wu, Hong; Lam, Man I.; Zhu, Yinan; Lei, Fengjie; Zhou, Zhimin,Low Surface Brightness Galaxies Selected from the 40% Sky Area of the ALFALFA H I Survey. I. Sample and Statistical Properties, AJ, 2015,149,199

4. Wu, Hong; Wu, Chao-Jian; Cao, Chen; Wolf, Sebastian; Hu, Jing-Yao,The debris disk candidates: eleven 24 μm excess stars in the Spitzer SWIRE fields, RAA, 2012,12, 235

5. Meng, Xian-Min; Wu, Hong; Gu, Qiu-Sheng; Wang, Jing; Cao, Chen,IRAS F13308+5946: A Possible Transition Phase from Type I Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy to Optical Quasar,ApJ, 2010,718,928

6.Wu, Hong; Cao, Chen; Hao, Cai-Na; Liu, Feng-Shan; Wang, Jian-Ling; Xia, Xiao-Yang; Deng, Zu-Gan; Young, C. Ke-Shih,PAH and Mid-Infrared Luminosities as Measures of Star Formation Rate in Spitzer First Look Survey Galaxies, ApJ, 2005,632,L79

7. Wu, Hong; Shao, Zhengyi; Mo, H. J.; Xia, Xiaoyang; Deng, Zugan,Optical and Near-Infrared Color Profiles in Nearby Early-Type Galaxies and the Implied Age and Metallicity Gradients,ApJ, 2005,622, 244

8.Wu, Hong; Burstein, David; Deng, Zugan; Zhou, Xu; Shang, Zhaohui; et al., Intermediate-Band Surface Photometry of the Edge-on Galaxy NGC 4565, AJ, 2002,123, 1364

9.Wu, H.; Xue, S. J.; Xia, X. Y.; Deng, Z. G.; Mao, S,The Nature of Ultraluminous X-Ray Sources in NGC 4565, ApJ, 2002,576,738

10.Wu, H.; Zou, Z. L.; Xia, X. Y.; Deng, Z. G.,A statistical study of the spectra of very luminous IRAS galaxies. II. Spectral and environmental analysis,A&AS, 1998,132,181


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