Li, Di is an observer and instrumentalist. He is the Chief Scientist of the radio division of NAOC and the Chief Scientist of FAST. He was trained in Nuclear physics and observational astronomy. He established a novel technique to solve the temperature distribution of interstellar dust, (co-)discovered interstellar oxygen as well as other molecules, developed and named the HI-narrow self-absorption (HINSA) technique, which enabled the first HINSA Zeeman measurement that was published as an Nature cover article. He led the science definition efforts during the commissioning phase of FAST, which resulted in its first pulsar,FRB discoveries. His research papers were voted into the "Top 10 Scientific Advances in China" of year 2021 and year 2022. He was awarded the 2022 "Outstanding Science and Technology Achievement" medal by the Chines Academy of Sciences. He served in advisory roles in various collaborations/organizations, such as the SKA, ATNF, Breakthrough Listen, etc.